• Macap2

    Choose the best


Our company assumes the compromise to care for balance between economy, ecology, equality and social cohesion.


We dream and do new and better every day. Our main goal is to exceed our customer´s expectations in every challenge.

Worldwide presence

We export our products worldwide, being present in the most renowned brands of footwear, from high fashion to mass production.

Who We Are

MACAP is the leader company in the design and production of steel shanks for shoes. Represented in more than 20 countries, MACAP is internationally recognized for the quality and innovation as well as for the wide range of products and solutions using steel as raw material. MACAP contributes and has been indispensable for the high quality shoe manufacturing.


"The essential condition for the happiness of the human being is dedication to work" (Leon Tolstoi). The success of our company depends on the work and dedication of our team.


"We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence, then, is not a way of acting, but a habit." (Will Durant).


"Companies gain a position of advantage over the best competitors in the world because of pressures and challenges." (Michael Porter)

Productive Capacity

As Oscar Wilde says "The number of those who envy us confirms our capacities." Our company has a productive capacity capable of responding quickly to all the timings imposed on us.

Qem Somos

Our Products

Our company is dedicated to the production and marketing of a wide variety of articles for the Footwear Industry and its associated companies. Everything we produce and market is subject to rigorous quality control, in accordance with sustainable practices and with great concern in complying with international standards for the sector.

Steel Shanks
Steel Shanks
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Non Woven
Non Woven
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Fibre Board
Fibre Board
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Texon Vogue
Texon Vogue
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We work for you and with you

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Whatever the Challenge!